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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2012-07-09
  • Publisher: Arcturus Pub
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From Herod the Great to Adolf Hitler, this book examines history's most infamous despots and tells in vivid detail the story of the lives they led, their climb to power and the destruction and sorrow they left in their wake.

Table of Contents

The Ancient World
Akhenaton: Pharaoh of Egyptp. 8
Sennacherib: King of Assyriap. 9
Pheidon of Argos: Tyrant of Athensp. 10
Tarquin the Proud: Last King of Romep. 11
Polycrates: Tyrant of Samosp. 12
Alexander the Great: King of Macedoniap. 12
Emperor Ch'in Shih-huang-ti: Emperor of Chinap. 17
Herod the Great: King of Judaeap. 18
Augustus: First Emperor of Romep. 20
Caligula: Emperor of Romep. 22
Agrippina: 'Empress' of Romep. 26
Nero: Emperor of Romep. 27
Domitian: Emperor of Romep. 29
Attila the Hun: King of the Hunsp. 30
Fredegund: Queen of the Franksp. 32
The Middle Ages
Wu Hou: Empress of Chinap. 34
Harun-al-Rashid: Caliph of Baghdadp. 35
Saint Olga: Regent of Russiap. 36
Genghis Khan: Rider of the Mongolsp. 36
King John: King of Englandp. 44
Pedro the Cruel: King of Castilep. 45
Tamerlane: Ruler of Samarkandp. 46
Gian Galeazzo Visconti: Duke of Milanp. 48
Tomas de Torquemada: Grand Inquisitor of Spainp. 49
Vlad the Impaler: Count of Wallachiap. 52
Richard III: King of Englandp. 56
Cesare Borgia: Cardinal of Romep. 57
Francisco Pizarro: Conqueror of the Incasp. 58
Hernán Cortés: Destroyer of the Aztecsp. 61
Henry VIII: King of Englandp. 63
Mary I: Queen of Englandp. 66
Catherine de'Medici: Regent of Francep. 68
Ivan the Terrible: Tsar of Russiap. 69
Toyotomi Hideyoshi: Ruler of Japanp. 72
Boris Godunov: Tsar of Russiap. 74
Elizabeth Bathory: Countess of Transylvaniap. 76
Charles I: King of Englandp. 78
Aurangzeb: Mughal Emperor of Indiap. 81
Peter the Great: Tsar of Russiap. 82
Nadir Shah: Shah of Persiap. 84
Frederick William I: King of Prussiap. 85
The Napoleonic Era
Catherine the Great: Tsarina of Russiap. 87
George III: King of Englandp. 90
Tippu Sultan: Sultan of Mysorep. 91
Louis XVI: King of Francep. 92
Paul I: Tsar of Russiap. 94
Maximilien Robespierre: Revolutionary French Leaderp. 96
Dr Jose Gaspar Rodríguez Francia: Dictator of Paraguayp. 100
Napoleon Bonaparte: Emperor of Francep. 103
Agustín de Iturbide: Dictator of Mexicop. 108
Ludwig I and Ludwig II: Kings of Bavariap. 109
Shaka: Chief of the Zulup. 112
Juan Manuel de Rosas: Dictator of Argentinap. 113
Ferdinand II: King of Naples and Sicilyp. 114
Hung Hsiu-ch'uan: Warlord of Chinap. 115
Theodore II: Emperor of Ethiopiap. 116
Francisco Solano López: Dictator of Paraguayp. 117
Antonio Guzmán Blanco: President of Venezuelap. 122
Leopold II: King of Belgiump. 123
Mwanga: Kabaka of Bugandap. 129
The Modern World
Porfirio Díaz: Dictator of Mexicop. 132
Tzu-his: Dowager Empress of Chinap. 133
Kaiser Wilhelm II: Emperor of Germanyp. 134
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin: Leader of the USSRp. 136
Syngman Rhee: President of Koreap. 138
Juan Perón: President of Argentinap. 139
Josef Stalin: Leader of the USSRp. 141
Benito Mussolini: Dictator of Italyp. 143
Chiang Kai-shek: Ruler of Chinap. 146
Adolf Hitler: Führer of Germanyp. 148
António de Oliveira Salazar: Ruler of Portugalp. 152
Rafael Trujillo: Dictator of the Dominican Republicp. 153
Francisco Franco: Dictator of Spainp. 154
Mao Tse-tung: Chairman, Chinese Communist Partyp. 157
Anastasio Somoza García: Dictator of Nicaraguap. 161
Ayatollah Khomeini: Ruler of Iranp. 163
Fulgencio Batista y Zaldivar: Dictator of Cubap. 165
Ngo Dinh Diem: President of South Vietnamp. 167
Achmed Sukarno: President of Indonesiap. 168
François Duvalier ('Papa Doc'): President of Haitip. 170
Enver Hoxha: Leader of Albaniap. 172
Kwame Nkrumah: President of Ghanap. 173
Kim Il-sung: Leader of North Koreap. 174
Alfredo Stroessner: Dictator of Paraguayp. 775
Augusto Pinochet: President of Chilep. 176
Ferdinand Marcos: President of the Philippinesp. 178
Nicolae Ceausescu: Dictator of Romaniap. 180
Jean Bedel Bokassa: President, Central African Republicp. 182
Idi Amin: President of Ugandap. 184
Robert Mugabe: President of Zimbabwep. 185
Fidel Castro: President of Cubap. 187
Efrain Ríos Montt: Dictator of Guatemalap. 190
Pol Pot: Leader of Cambodiap. 192
Mobutu Sese Seko: Dictator of the Congop. 194
Mengistu Haile Mariam: Ruler of Ethiopiap. 195
Saddam Hussein: President of Iraqp. 197
Slobodan Milosevic President of Serbiap. 200
Muammar al-Gaddafi: President of Libyap. 202
Hissen Habré: Dictator of Chadp. 206
Samuel Doe: Dictator of Liberiap. 208
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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