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Strategic Moral Diplomacy: Understanding the Enemy's Moral Universe

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  • Format: Nonspecific Binding
  • Copyright: 2011-05-15
  • Publisher: Lynne Rienner
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List Price: $26.95


Strategic Moral Diplomacy addresses the most critical political problem of our time: how to negotiate seemingly incompatible moral values between nations. Normative and rational choice theories tend to simplify the actions and motives of leaders at the best, and paint enemies as immoral or evil at the worst. Boyd-Judson argues that it can be both strategically useful, as well as ethical, to assume an enemy may have just moral concerns and give these claims credence. Boyd-Judson uses the US and UN negations with Iran, Libya, Zimbabwe and Haiti to illustrate the practical application of strategic moral diplomacy. Through personal interviews with negotiators and those close to them, she unearths the complex moral positions held by those involved and arrives at workable suggestions for future diplomatic dilemmas. Critical to the education of global citizens and future diplomats, Strategic Moral Diplomacy is an irreplaceable teaching tool for discussing social justice, rogue states, and the importance of understanding moral psychology in international relations.

Author Biography

Boyd-Judson uses the US and UN negotiations with Iran, Libya, Zimbabwe and Haiti to illustrate the practical application of strategic moral diplomacy. Through personal interviews with negotiators and those close to them, she unearths the complex moral positions held by those involved and arrives at workable suggestions for future diplomatic dilemmas. Critical to the education of global citizens and future diplomats, Strategic, Moral Diplomacy is an irreplaceable teaching tool for discussing social justice, rogue states, and the importance of understanding moral psychology in international relations.

Table of Contents

Prefacep. xi
Acknowledgmentsp. xiii
Abbreviationsp. xv
Introduction: Defining Strategic Moral Diplomacyp. 1
The Enemy's Moral Universep. 3
Absolutism Versus Relativism Is Not the Question or the Answerp. 4
Critical Caveatsp. 6
Four Case Studiesp. 8
Overview of the Chaptersp. 9
Strategic Moral Diplomacy in Theoryp. 13
Conventional Wisdom: Moral Misperceptionp. 14
Rules of Moral Salience: An Alternative to Conventional Wisdomp. 16
Moral Tensions with World Orderp. 20
Political Decision Making: Embedded in Cognitive Moral Metaphorsp. 21
Rational Choice and Bounded Rationalityp. 22
Constructions of Ethical Norms and International justicep. 24
Exile of a King: Rules of Moral and Legal Saliencep. 29
A Special Relationshipp. 30
King of Kingsp. 32
A Flying Dutchmanp. 34
Mexico Offers an Invitationp. 40
A Matter of Principlep. 41
Humanitarian Considerationsp. 43
The Making of a Crisisp. 45
Hamilton Jordan and the Generalp. 48
A Question of Extraditionp. 51
Legal Issuesp. 53
Back to Panama and the Question of Extraditionp. 54
Sadat's Standp. 56
Rules of Moral and Legal Saliencep. 58
The Lockerbie Negotiations: Granting the Enemy a Moral Universep. 63
Mandela and Qaddafi: Commonalities and Differencesp. 64
Backgroundp. 67
Pan Am Flight 103p. 68
Jim Swire's Missionp. 71
Reasonable Fears: Nelson Mandela's Moral Capitalp. 74
Calling Bluffsp. 75
Clarificationsp. 77
ôTake It or Leave Itöp. 79
And the Beat Goes Onp. 82
Analysis: Granting the Enemy's Moral Universep. 84
Haiti's Generals: Reframing Fixed Conflict Situationsp. 89
Lost in Translationp. 90
The Coup from Above and Belowp. 92
Lavalas and Its Aftermathp. 93
A Radical Priest and a Reluctant Generalp. 95
The Priestp. 95
The Generalp. 97
The Military in Haitian Society: Problems and Contextp. 100
International Reaction to the Coupp. 102
Governor's Islandp. 104
ôIs the Bird Alive or Dead?öp. 106
Batten Down the Hatchesp. 108
A Dream Team: Carter, Nunn, and Powellp. 110
The Kitchen Cabinetp. 113
The Stick: Black Hawk Helicopters on the Wayp. 115
Of Amnesty and Exilep. 116
Postscriptp. 118
Analysis: Reframing Fixed-Conflict Situationsp. 118
Zimbabwe's Land Seizures: Just Claims and Avoidable Lossesp. 125
From Ndebele to Rhodesiap. 126
Robert Mugabe: An Unlikely Revolutionaryp. 128
From Rhodesia to Zimbabwe: The Lancaster Agreementp. 130
Gukurahundip. 133
Britain's Big Blunderp. 135
Economic Problemsp. 138
South Africa: Between a Rock and a Hard Placep. 140
The West and the Restp. 142
Analysis: Just Claims and Avoidable Lossesp. 144
Conclusionp. 149
Strategic Moral Diplomacy's Contributionsp. 153
Closing Commentsp. 156
Notesp. 159
Works Citedp. 173
About the Authorp. 185
Indexp. 187
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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