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Social Psychology

by ; ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 8th
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2010-01-22
  • Publisher: Wadsworth Publishing
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Distinguished by its current-events emphasis, strong diversity coverage, and engaging connections drawn between social psychology and students' everyday lives, Social Psychology, Eighth Edition, remains one of the most scholarly and well-written books in its field. Integrating classic and contemporary research, the book also includes comprehensive coverage of social cognition and evolutionary psychology, and features authoritative material on social psychology and the law. For this edition, Saul Kassin and Steven Fein welcome Hazel Rose Markus to the author team. In addition, coverage of culture and diversity are integrated into every chapter by Hazel Rose Markus, a leader and respected researcher in the study of cultural psychology.

Table of Contents

What is Social Psychology?
What Is Social Psychology?
from Past to Present: a Brief History of Social Psychology
Social Psychology in a New Century
Doing Social Psychology Research
Why Should You Learn About Research Methods?
Developing Ideas: Beginning the Research Process
Refining Ideas: Defining and Measuring Social Psychological Variables
Testing Ideas: Research Designs
Ethics and Values in Social Psychology
Social Perception
The Social Self
The Self-Concept
Epilogue: the Multifaceted Self
Perceiving Persons Observation: the Elements of Social Perception
Attribution: from Elements to Dispositions
Integration: from Dispositions to Impressions
Confirmation Biases: from Impressions to Reality
Social Perception: the Bottom Line
Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discrimination
The Nature of the Problem: Persistence and Change
Causes of the Problem: Intergroup and Motivational Factors
Causes of the Problem: Cognitive and Cultural Factors
A Threat in the Air: Effects on the Targets of Stereotypes and Prejudice
Reducing Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discrimination
Social Influence
The Study of Attitudes
Persuasion by Communication
Persuasion by Our Own Actions
Changing Attitudes
Social Influence as "Automatic"
The Continuum of Social Influence
Group Processes
Fundamentals of Groups
Individuals in Groups: the Presence of Others
Group Performance: Problems and Solutions
Conflict: Cooperation and Competition Within and Between Groups
Social Relations
Attraction and Close Relationships
Being with Others: a Fundamental Human Motive
Close Relationships
The Initial Attraction
Helping Others
Evolutionary and Motivational Factors: Why Do People Help?
Situational Influences: When Do People Help?
Personal Influences: Who Is Likely to Help?
Interpersonal Influences: Whom Do People Help?
The Helping Connection
Applying Social Psychology
Jury Selection
The Courtroom Drama
Jury Deliberation
Posttrial: to Prison and Beyond
Perceptions of Justice
Closing Statement
Personnel Selection
Performance Appraisals
Motivation at Work
Economic Decision Making
Stress and Health
What Causes Stress?
How Does Stress Affect the Body?
Processes of Appraisal
Ways of Coping with Stress
Treatment and Prevention
The Pursuit of Happiness
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.

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