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The Challenge of Democracy American Government in Global Politics

by ; ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 11th
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2011-01-01
  • Publisher: Wadsworth Publishing
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This best-selling American government text is highly acclaimed for the non-ideological framework it uses to explore three themes: freedom, order, and equality as political values; the majoritarianism versus pluralism debate; and globalization's effect on American politics. Extensively updated, this edition includes new examples, figures, data, and current discussions. The authors include balanced coverage of the first two years of the Obama administration, coverage and analysis of the 2010 mid-term election, and a retrospective of the Bush presidency. The Eleventh Edition can be packaged with Aplia, which offers students automatically graded homework assignments. Organized by chapter, Aplia helps provides students immediate, detailed explanations and helps them come to class better prepared for discussion. For more on Aplia and other media available with this text, click on Supplements.

Table of Contents

Dilemmas of Democracy
Freedom, Order, or Equality?
Majoritarian or Pluralist Democracy?
Foundations of American Government
The Constitution
Linking People with Government
Public Opinion and Political Socialization
The Media
Participation and Voting
Political Parties
Nominations, Elections, and Campaigns
Interest Groups
Institutions of Government
The Presidency
The Bureaucracy
The Courts
Civil Liberties and Civil Rights
Order and Civil Liberties
Equality and Civil Rights
Making Public Policy
Economic Policy
Domestic Policy
Global Policy
The Declaration of Independence
The Constitution of the United States
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.

Supplemental Materials

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