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Creation and Resurrection An Early Muslim Perspective on Divine Unity and Cosmology; A Persian Edition and English Translation of Abu Ya'qub al-Sijistani's Kashf al-Mahjub

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2015-03-25
  • Publisher: I. B. Tauris in Association with the Institute of Ismaili Studies
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List Price: $45.00
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Abu Ya'qub al-Sijistani was a prolific author of many seminal Islamic texts, and is known as the "intellectual missionary" of Fatimid Ismailism. He wrestled with a variety of key theological and philosophical issues during his career, and succeeded in outlining an alternative vision of Islam which has a surprisingly modern appeal. His important work Kashf al-Mahjub (literally "the unveiling of the hidden") is published here under the rubric Creation and Resurrection . Although the original Arabic text appears to have been lost, a near-contemporaneous Persian translation has survived and was edited for the first time by the late Henry Corbin. This new edition of the Persian text, published alongside the first complete English translation and introduction, enables this fascinating work to be read and appreciated anew by a fresh generation of scholars and readers interested in the history of early Islamic philosophy and theology.

Author Biography

Hermann Landolt taught Islamic Studies and Persian at McGill University from 1964-1999 and is currently Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Ismaili Studies.

Table of Contents

Discourse One: Asserting the One * Discourse Two: On the Notion of the First Creation (Intellect) * Discourse Three: On the Second Creation (Soul) * Discourse Four: On the Third Creation which is Nature * Discourse Five: On the Fourth Creation (the Species) * Discourse Six: On the Fifth Creation (Prophethood) * Discourse Seven: Bringing to Mind the Sixth Creation (the 'Call to Arise', or Resurrection) * Epilogue

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