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Puccini and the Prowlers

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 1992-01-01
  • Publisher: Nightwood Editions
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List Price: $17.01


Just what is a prowler anyway? Puccini decides to keep barking until he figures it out!

Author Biography

Adele Wiseman was one of Canada's most distinguished writers, author of the Canadian classic The Sacrifice. Kim La Fave, a Governor General's Award-winning artist, is the illustrator of Amos's Sweater (by Janet Lunn) -- winner of the Ruth Schwartz Children's Book Award and the Amelia Frances Howard-Gibbon Award for illustration -- Follow That Star (by Kenneth Oppel), I Am Small (by Cherrie Fitch), the bestselling The Bones and Skeleton Book (by Steven Cumbaa) and many other children's books. He lives in Roberts Creek, BC.

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