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Psycho Too

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2009-12-22
  • Publisher: Bloomsbury USA
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List Price: $35.00


Building on their first successful collaboration, more Self and Steadman on the oddities of place in the contemporary world.Will Self's satiric eye and hyperactive prose meet once again with Ralph Steadman's manic hand and effulgent color, creating the coveted sequel to their collaborationPsychogeography: here isPsycho Too. In this energetic romp through an all-new landscape, Self and Steadman further explore the effects of our geographical environmentnatural, man-made, or man-manipulatedon our emotions and behavior, and the interplay of surroundings and self.In the introductory essay, Self sets out to walk the entire length of Britainor, more precisely, a Britainshaped island off the coast of Dubai, part of the artificial archipelago of private isles replicating, in miniature, all the world's landmasses. Fifty additional short essays cover terrain from Istanbul to Los Angeles, East Yorkshire to Easter Island, all accompanied by Steadman's inimitable illustrations.Psycho Toois a dazzling guide to the wheres and wherefores of the way we live now.

Author Biography

Will Self is the author of six novels, four collections of short stories, three novellas, and five works of nonfiction. He has written for newspapers and magazines and appeared regularly on television and radio. He lives in London.
Ralph Steadman has illustrated many books and written several more. He lives in Kent.

Table of Contents

Introduction: Walking to the Worldp. 11
The Jeremiah Treep. 77
Plenty of Room in the Asylump. 80
Hermetic Wisdomp. 83
Sodom Bypassp. 86
The Carpet Movesp. 89
No Country for Wise Menp. 93
Gayvariap. 96
Battersea!p. 99
The Crayfish Quadrillep. 103
Captain Birdseyep. 107
Small is Beautifulp. 111
Agoraphobiap. 115
The Eden Rejectp. 118
Flu Away!p. 121
The Green Zonep. 125
The Inertia of Middle Agep. 128
he Yurtp. 131
Come Dancingp. 134
Burning an Illusionp. 138
From a Dope to a Burqap. 141
My Second Lifep. 144
The Sordid Act of Unionp. 147
Desktop Santiagop. 151
Chile con Carnep. 154
Capel-y-Ffinp. 158
On Black Mountainp. 162
So Long Toulousep. 166
Epitaph for a Small Loserp. 169
Doggerland de Nos Joursp. 172
Cardinismp. 176
Bring Me the Villa of Alfredo Garciap. 179
Thirteen Million Candle Powerp. 183
Dum-Dum Want Gum Gump. 186
Grisly, manp. 189
Whistlin' in Sausalitop. 192
Horned Helmetp. 195
Top 5 Winter Walksp. 198
RosaFullsizeFuckstickp. 202
Bill Gatesp. 205
Before the Lawp. 209
Peter Grimyp. 213
Heart of Lightnessp. 217
The Great Vomit Wave of '08p. 221
I Rendezvoused with Thanetp. 224
Maglorianp. 227
Clipping Ralphp. 230
Down and Out in Beverly Hillsp. 235
Mad Masterchefs' Tea Partyp. 238
Hot Nutsp. 242
Longshore Drifterp. 245
The Erosion of Truthp. 248
Against the Dying of the Lightp. 252
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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